Tips for Successfully Coordinating Your Interior Design Elements

Have you ever been scrolling through Instagram and felt mesmerised by those perfectly styled homes? Every single element of a room seems to just so effortlessly flow. From the smallest décor pieces to the gigantic sofa, each piece is cohesive in every way. It's all about crafting environments where each element complements the next, resulting in rooms that seamlessly blend together to form a unified aesthetic throughout your house.

So, how do the pros do it? Well, with some knowledge and a sprinkle of love for interior design, it’s not as hard as it looks. Creating a cohesive home can be seen as an art form, but just like many forms of art, you can learn how to make it work your way.

We’re here to help you get familiar with all the juiciest expert insights on how to successful coordinate all your interior design elements. We’ll delve into the seven rules you should know about these elements, plus you’ll get your hands on top tips to harmonise your home and give those interior Insta accounts a run for their money.

What Are the 7 Rules of Interior Design Elements?

interior design elements

To create a well-coordinated home, understanding and applying the seven key principles of interior design is essential. These rules are the pillars that support you when you’re creating spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

1. Balance

Balance in home decor styling is about evenly distributing visual weight across a room. This can be achieved by carefully considering the placement of furniture and decor, taking into account their line, shape, colour, and texture.

Balance can be symmetrical, where elements are mirrored on either side of a room, creating a formal and orderly look. Asymmetrical balance, on the other hand, uses different objects to create equilibrium, offering a more dynamic and casual feel. Radial balance, centred around a focal point, is often seen in round dining settings where chairs are evenly spaced around a table.

2. Unity and Harmony

Unity and harmony are achieved when patterns, colours, and textures flow smoothly throughout your space. This doesn’t mean every item must match perfectly, but there should be a common thread that ties the room together.

Whether it's a consistent colour scheme, a recurring pattern, or a particular style, these elements should feel like they belong together, making the space feel intentionally designed and pleasing to the eye. The right home decor hardware is one of the easiest ways to establish harmony in your home, like pieces of jewellery that tie the whole look together.

3. Rhythm

Rhythm in interior design is about creating patterns of repetition and contrast to visually lead the eye around a room. Like a melody in music, rhythm in a room can be achieved through the repeated use of colours, forms, or materials.

This could mean everything from a recurring colour in throw pillows and wall art or a pattern that’s echoed in a rug and curtains. Rhythm brings a sense of movement and can guide the viewer's eye around the room, providing a dynamic yet harmonious experience.

4. Proportion and Scale

These concepts deal with the relationship between objects within a space. Proportion refers to the comparative size of one design element in relation to another, while scale refers to the size of an object in relation to the space it occupies.

For example, a large sofa might overwhelm a small room, making it feel cramped. On the other hand, a small bedside table may look insignificant in a large bedroom. Understanding proportion and scale is crucial in creating a balanced and comfortable space.

5. Emphasis

A room without a focal point can feel directionless and uninspiring. Emphasis in interior design is about creating a centre of attention that draws the eye and anchors the room.

This could be an architectural feature, a statement piece of furniture, or a striking piece of art. The rest of the room's elements should complement and enhance this focal point, not compete with it.

6. Contrast

Contrast adds visual interest and energy to a room. It can be achieved using light and dark colours, smooth and rough textures, or large and small items. Effective use of contrast creates a dynamic space that’s both visually stimulating and engaging.

7. Details

The smallest details can have the most significant impact in interior design. It's these finishing touches, like unique door handles or bespoke light fixtures, that complete a room and reflect your personal style. Paying attention to details ensures that your space feels considered and complete.

Top Tips to Coordinate Your Interior

With a solid understanding of the foundational rules of interior design, let’s explore some practical tips to help you coordinate your interior design elements successfully:

  • Colours Matter – Colour is one of the easiest ways to create a cohesive flow in your home. Select a colour palette that resonates with your style and apply it throughout each space. We love starting off with a neutral colour as the base, and then adding one or two accent shades that we’ll then use throughout the entire home.

  • Blend Traditional and Contemporary – Mixing vintage and modern pieces can create a home that feels modern, but still has that homey feel. This approach adds a unique sense of personality as you move from one room to another, giving your home a sense of evolution and unity without needing to completely overhaul the space.

  • Define Your Interior Style – Your home should be a reflection of yourself, which is why it’s important to understand your personal interior style. You could lean towards a specific type of interior, like Scandinavian or farmhouse, or you could make up your own using a blend of different styles. No matter what you choose, having a consistent style to lean back on will make your home feel more seamless from room to room.

  • Texture is Your Best Friend – Incorporating a range of textures can add depth and interest to your interiors. From sleek, polished surfaces to organic, tactile materials, textures will dramatically enhance your home’s design narrative. Just make sure that these textures make sense within your overarching style, which will create a space that’s both immersive and balanced.

  • Create a Mood Board – Before you start decking out your space, create a visual mood board to help you better understand which elements will coordinate with each other. This can include fabric swatches, paint samples, pictures of furniture, and accessory ideas. Seeing all these elements together can help you visualise the overall look and ensure everything works in harmony.

  • Play with Anchoring – Choose a signature piece for each room – this could be a piece of art, an area rug, or a statement furniture piece. Design the rest of the room around this item, pulling colors and textures from it to create a unified theme.

Coordinate Your Space with the Best Home Decor Hardware

Successfully coordinating your interior design elements is a journey that combines creativity, planning, and attention to detail.

By understanding the basic principles and applying our juicy tips, you can create a home that’s not only harmoniously coordinated but also a true reflection of your personal style.

And for those final touches, the right home decor hardware will always be the crowning element. Explore our extensive range for the perfect additions and make your home truly yours.

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